
Did You Know?

Posting WIC checks, foods, baby formula, or breast pumps for sale in newspapers or on the Internet is FRAUD. This includes:

  • Craig’s List
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • eBay
  • Any other social media outlet giving away WIC checks, foods, baby formula, or breast pumps OR selling them for cash is FRAUD.

Enrollment in WIC at more than ONE local agency is FRAUD.

Reporting false income, household size or pregnancy to become eligible to participate in WIC is FRAUD.

Buying or selling WIC checks, foods, baby formula, or breast pumps or allowing someone else to do so is FRAUD.

Altering WIC checks in any way is FRAUD.


  • DISQUALIFIED from the WIC Program.
  • Required to REPAY IN CASH the value of foods, baby formula or breast pump issued to you.
  • PROSECUTED under State and Federal laws

What Can You Do If You Suspect Fraud?

If you suspect that someone may be committing FRAUD, please contact the Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI). You may report your concerns anonymously. Call the Toll Free Hotline at: 1-877-282-6657 or email to: [email protected]