Using eWIC and WIC2GO


1. Swipe your eWIC card

2. Enter your pin number to buy foods at WIC approved stores like using a debit card.

Espanõl (Spanish)

1. Pase/deslize la tarjeta de eWIC como si fuera una tarjeta de debito

2. Entre el PIN que usa para comprar alimentos en las tiendas o supermercados aprobadas por WIC.

中文 (Chinese)

1.在接受奶票的商店里, 和刷银行卡一样刷eWIC卡

2. 输入密码即可购买WIC食品。

Watch the video and learn how to use WIC2Go to:

  • Access your benefits information and expiration dates
  • Access your future appointments
  • Scan foods at the store to see if they are WIC approved
  • Easier checkout at the grocery store
  • Find the location of clinics and WIC approved stores in the area